Kamis, 07 Maret 2013


    Paskibraka army is comprised of students from the various options in the region of Indonesia. In operations, educated than the parade as the main basic tasks Flag flap duplicate inheritance Indonesia, the students also provided a variety of skills as students should be the option of the nation.
    Many people who already know and learn about Paskibraka, but not many know that the journey is long or Paskibraka of Flag Patrimony forces can not be separated from the history of the struggle of the Indonesian people themselves.

    Here are some period of history that accompany its Paskibraka form

    Year period 1946 - 1949
    President Soekarno Bpk.Husein Mutahar call to prepare for the commemoration ceremony and led the proclamation of independence on August 17 1949 in a presidential palace building magnificent Yogyakarta, the capital was moved from Jakarta to Yogyakarta kerena action colonialist terror Belanda.Petugas Bunting inheritance only 5 people from the representative area in the Yogyakarta.Keinginan Bpk.Husein Mutahar to bring students from all provinces across Indonesia have not been realized because of obstruction from the Dutch colonists.

    Year period 1950 - 1966
    For the first time memorial service in the proclamation of independence of the Republic of Indonesia conducted at Merdeka Palace Jakarta.Bendera inheritance in kibarkan the pole with seventeen megahnya ..
    Shift pengibar years 1950 - 1966 in the form and governed by household presidency.
    In the year 1966 is a pilot training program that is Pandu Paskibraka pro-Indonesian Pancasila.

    Year period 1967 - 1973
    Just as in 1966, the year 1967 is a 2-year trial implementation of the training program Pandu pro-Indonesian Pancasila the founder members of the scout group in front of Jakarta, was conducted after Mr. Husein Mutahar became director-general affairs Scouts and Youth (UDAKA). Ministry of Education ago and the culture changed to Director General Dibelurepora (Directorate General of Foreign Education School youth and sport)
    With the implementation of the basic idea in 1966 to develop Bpk.Husein Mutahar pattern formation pengibaran into three groups, namely:
    a.Kelompok 17 / escort (guide)
    b.Kelompok 8 / carrier (core)
    c.Kelompok 45 / sentinel
    This is a symbol of Independence Proclamation of the Republic of Indonesia 17 August 1945
    Year 1968 is a youth officer pengibar province envoy but not entirely send utusannya because of lack of troops in the capture of former troops in 1967.
    Date 5 August 1969 at the Palace of the countries of the delegation conducted Duplicate Flag Pusaka and reproductive manuscript proclamation by President Soeharto to the governor and representatives of all of Indonesia - Indonesian representatives abroad to be together with the implementation of the ceremony at the Merdeka Palace Jakarta.
    Year 1969 was officially Paskibraka members are high school students as an envoy of a 26-se Province of Indonesia and each province was represented pair adolescents.
    Year 1967 - 1972 officers pengibar forces called Pengerek Flag Pusaka or PASKERAKA, new in 1973 .. Idik Bpk Sulaeman orbit term forces Pengibar Bendrera Pusaka or Paskibraka.

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